Create Alpue Analytics™ property for website event & user tracking and analytics.

Events send from other URLs may be filtered out.

Can not create property

Account overview


User ID:

Properties: loading


Property name: loading

Expected URLs: loading

Set up tracking for your Alpue Analytics™ Property

Paste this code snippet to the "head" of each page:

<!-- Alpue Analytics script START -->
    var gais_event_name = 'page_view'
    var gais_custom_params = {
        a_b_test: 'b',
        customer_type: 'b2g'
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Alpue Analytics script END -->


Create new Aplue Analytics™ property

Your Alpue property holds data for specified website on particular domain, or set of subdomains.
Cross-domain setup for multiple domains in same property is not currently supported. After

User and property management

Currently, only you have access to the properties you have created and own. You can not share them with other users yet.
In order to switch properties, switch account.

Test 01

This button is used for testing purposes.
Test 01 is fetching local Firebase Cloud function that should connect to BigQuery API and return data from BQ -> FB -> Console in front end.

Test environment

Test 02

Fetches local hello02 to console.

Test 03

Fetches cloud BigQuery with basic dummy query.

Test 04

Fetches local logRecordToBQ to log dummy event